Undo the last action you performed.
Redo the last action you undid. If you have not undone any actions, or the last undo action is not reversible, this menu item is disabled.
Copy the selected item to the clipboard, and remove it from the document.
Copy the selected item to the clipboard, while leaving it intact in your presentation.
Insert the contents of the clipboard into your presentation.
Remove the currently selected item from your presentation.
Select all the objects and text on the current slide.
Deselect any currently selected objects.
Search for text within the presentation.
Find the next occurrence of a piece of text within a presentation.
Find the previous occurrence of a piece of text within a presentation.
Replace one or more occurrences of a piece of text in your presentation with a different piece of text.
Copy the current slide to the clipboard.
Insert an exact copy of the current slide.
Delete the current page from the presentation. You will be asked to confirm this action.
Create a duplicate of the currently selected object. A dialog will display allowing you to set some options for the duplicate, e.g. if it should be rotated, or scaled, or offset to a new position on the slide.