The Hue-Saturation tool is used to adjust hue, saturation and lightness levels on a range of color weights for the selected area or active layer.
You can get to the Hue-Saturationtool in two ways :
In the the image-menu through:
→ →
By clicking the tool icon:
in Toolbox, provided that you have installed color tools in Toolbox.
For this, go to
Tools Dialog.
You can choose, between six, the color to be modified. They are arranged according to the color circle. If you click on the Master button, all colors will be concerned with changes.
Changes appear in the small preview close to the selected color button.
Hue: The slider and the input box allow you to select a hue in the color circle (-180, 180).
Lightness: The slider and the input box allow you to select a value (luminosity): -100, 100.
Saturation: The slider and the input box allow you to select a saturation: -100, 100.
The Initialize Color button deletes changes to hue, lightness and saturation of the selected color.
The Preview button makes all changes dynamically so that they can be viewed straight away.