Euclidean 0 def calc( arg1, arg2, arg3 ): # Calculate whatever you want to show here, and return it. # For example, to implement a mid point, you would put # this code here: b=Coordinate() b.x=arg1.coordinate().x b.y=arg1.coordinate().y c=Coordinate() c.x=arg2.coordinate().x c.y=arg2.coordinate().y f=arg3.size() x1=b.x+(c.x-b.x)*cos(f)-(c.y-b.y)*sin(f) y1=b.y+(c.x-b.x)*sin(f)+(c.y-b.y)*cos(f) return Point(Coordinate(x1,y1)) # Please refer to the manual for more information. 2 %1 0.619777 B 0 0 1 -0.0244627 -0.764847 2 K 2 2 -0.0489254 2 0 C -0.0350994 M 1.14837 1.35276 N %1 0 0 -0.097796 0 -0.487173 -1 -0.467185 -1 1 -1 -1 -0.0783592 0 %1 0.39336 A -10.0367 %1 2 2 %1 -5.38729 -1.40898 %1 -1.29176 0 1 3.39483 0 1 -1.62246 0 2 %1 7.58657 7.64651 -0.0206327 -13.3407 def calc( arg1, arg2, arg3 ): # Calculate whatever you want to show here, and return it. # For example, to implement a mid point, you would put # this code here: b=Coordinate() b.x=arg1.coordinate().x b.y=arg1.coordinate().y c=Coordinate() c.x=arg2.coordinate().x c.y=arg2.coordinate().y f=arg3.size() x1=b.x+(c.x-b.x)*cos(f)-(c.y-b.y)*sin(f) y1=b.y+(c.x-b.x)*sin(f)+(c.y-b.y)*cos(f) return Point(Coordinate(x1,y1)) # Please refer to the manual for more information. -0.0148686 3.30521 K 7.62939 def calc( arg1, arg2, arg3 ): # Calculate whatever you want to show here, and return it. # For example, to implement a mid point, you would put # this code here: b=Coordinate() b.x=arg1.coordinate().x b.y=arg1.coordinate().y c=Coordinate() c.x=arg2.coordinate().x c.y=arg2.coordinate().y f=arg3.size() x1=b.x+(c.x-b.x)*cos(f)-(c.y-b.y)*sin(f) y1=b.y+(c.x-b.x)*sin(f)+(c.y-b.y)*cos(f) return Point(Coordinate(x1,y1)) # Please refer to the manual for more information. def calc( arg1, arg2, arg3 ): # Calculate whatever you want to show here, and return it. # For example, to implement a mid point, you would put # this code here: b=Coordinate() b.x=arg1.coordinate().x b.y=arg1.coordinate().y c=Coordinate() c.x=arg2.coordinate().x c.y=arg2.coordinate().y f=arg3.size() x1=b.x+(c.x-b.x)*cos(f)-(c.y-b.y)*sin(f) y1=b.y+(c.x-b.x)*sin(f)+(c.y-b.y)*cos(f) return Point(Coordinate(x1,y1)) # Please refer to the manual for more information. def calc( arg1, arg2, arg3 ): # Calculate whatever you want to show here, and return it. # For example, to implement a mid point, you would put # this code here: b=Coordinate() b.x=arg1.coordinate().x b.y=arg1.coordinate().y c=Coordinate() c.x=arg2.coordinate().x c.y=arg2.coordinate().y f=arg3.size() x1=b.x+(c.x-b.x)*cos(f)-(c.y-b.y)*sin(f) y1=b.y+(c.x-b.x)*sin(f)+(c.y-b.y)*cos(f) return Point(Coordinate(x1,y1)) # Please refer to the manual for more information. 1.28441 0 0 7.38107 1.82386 -11.8166 %1 -12.3903 def calc( arg1, arg2, arg3 ): # Calculate whatever you want to show here, and return it. # For example, to implement a mid point, you would put # this code here: b=Coordinate() b.x=arg1.coordinate().x b.y=arg1.coordinate().y c=Coordinate() c.x=arg2.coordinate().x c.y=arg2.coordinate().y f=arg3.size() x1=b.x+(c.x-b.x)*cos(f)-(c.y-b.y)*sin(f) y1=b.y+(c.x-b.x)*sin(f)+(c.y-b.y)*cos(f) return Point(Coordinate(x1,y1)) # Please refer to the manual for more information. K def calc( arg1, arg2, arg3 ): # Calculate whatever you want to show here, and return it. # For example, to implement a mid point, you would put # this code here: b=Coordinate() b.x=arg1.coordinate().x b.y=arg1.coordinate().y c=Coordinate() c.x=arg2.coordinate().x c.y=arg2.coordinate().y f=arg3.size() x1=b.x+(c.x-b.x)*cos(f)-(c.y-b.y)*sin(f) y1=b.y+(c.x-b.x)*sin(f)+(c.y-b.y)*cos(f) return Point(Coordinate(x1,y1)) # Please refer to the manual for more information. 1 7.56945 0.0169647 7.55232 -0.00608029